Monday, November 18, 2013

Trust and Obey Part 2

It has been a long time since I have cracked open the blog. (I know so many of you have been on the edge of your seat waiting and wondering as to when I would write again.... wish there was a way to type in sarcasm.) Truth be told I forgot my blog login information thankfully Google did not. But since it has been several months since my last post it is only fair to mention that a lot of things have happened in between this post and my last one. Good things. Challenging things. Questionable things, but all of them I know are God things. That might sound like a Jesus juke answer to some of you but for me Jesus fundamentally and at the core is the answer that makes sense in light of all that has happened.

Where do I begin? When writing in the last post God had Cassie and I still serving at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church. However there was a significant amount of transitioning that was taking place there. This led us to ask God if He was leading us into a transition also and where that might be? We were not sure what God's next set of plans were. In time His plan was revealed.

On June 30th by the providential hand of God a new church was born in Nolensville, Tennessee. Revive. And by His grace and goodness He has given me and my family the incredible privilege of leading and shepherding this new work. Giving to us friends and family who have come alongside of us who also are believing God has a mission to be completed in the Nashville area.

The responsibility has been bigger than I could imagine, but I believe the reward will be to. This new endeavor has not come without its challenges along the way as we continue to trust and ask God to lead us as we aim to make much of Him. We have obeyed Him the best way we can as a family as new opportunities have been presented. Please pray that we would continue to do so. God bless and I look forward to writing a bit more consistently in the near future.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Trust and Obey

Growing up in church the familiar hymn Trust and Obey was one that I heard quite regularly. While its melody is not one that particularly moves me to inspiration its lyrics are particularly fitting for the Christian life. Especially mine. "Trust and Obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to Trust and obey." To me this line has always been routine and familiar but here lately its taken on a new shade of meaning.

Trust and Obey is a motto that more than anything else I must preach to myself. And to properly allow that message to penetrate my life it takes doing both the trusting and the obeying. I fear for far too long many Christians like myself have become so familiar with that tune we think of them as a unit together and not two individual and distinct challenges we must heed in the Christian life. Trust entails belief, faith, and total submission of all that I hold dear to God. While obeying is listening to and practicing what He has told me.

So what is that? What has He told me. There are thousands of things, but one message stands above all the others right in my life. Reading last night with my wife (something I must do more of) God impressed on my heart a verse I have read numerous times. Philippians 4:6 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."  

I don't know about you but I love to be anxious about something. If its not one thing its another. Constantly worrying myself to death about whatever it is that is going on in my world. Hoping that what I want to happen will. God's word commands me not to do that. This may be one of the hardest sins to conquer right now in my life. And I bet this is one of those "Respectable Sins" we all struggle with and don't really deal with and repent of. God help me and anyone else readin who does to stop and give the worry back to You.

Trust and Obey sounds like a simple cliche but it most definitely is not that. Hope this will challenge and encourage be blessed.
